The Logistics Activity Zone of Murcia (Murcia-Medfood ZAL), its Intermodal Terminal and its Safe and Secure Truck Parking Area (SSTPA), comprise a Logistics Platform aimed at integrating road and railway freight transport, as well as at ensuring logistical development in the Region.

This Platform is a project of common interest and a priority node in the Trans-European Transport Network. It is also part of the Mediterranean Corridor, a priority axis of the Basic European network established in Regulation (EU) Nº 1315/2013.


The development of Murcia’s ZAL addresses regional intermodal service and logistic land needs, which in turns strengthens railway transport and logistics development.


These facilities will enable higher combined transport efficiency in terms of cost reduction and delivery times, as well as in terms of enhanced efficiency, sustainability and added-value generation.


By providing intermodal and logistical services, Murcia's ZAL will improve the region’s penetration inside the domestic European market, integrating production sectors into European freight distribution and marketing networks, as well as increasing the levels of business competitiveness, economic activity and employment.


  • Promotion of freight railway transport to increase its modal share in the Murcia Region, bringing it closer to the Spanish average (3,8% in 2022 according to the Railway Observatory in Spain) and European (5,5% in 2022 according to Eurostat).


  • Introducing intermodal services in the Region of Murcia through the new Railway Terminal, certified for operation of international 740-meter long trains.


  • Increasing intermodal transport in the Region of Murcia, favoring the emergence of global operators and improving marketing and distribution offer.


  • Fight against cargo crime and improve the working conditions of drivers, through the implementation of safe and secure truck parking areas, certified with the Gold level of security of the European EU PARKING standard.


  • Facilitating logistics development and competitiveness in the region through implementation of a world-class logistics center in the Murcia’s Central Area (integrated in the Mediterranean Corridor).


  • Promoting sustainable mobility and increased freight transport efficiency in the region.



A 258-hectare area in the West side of Murcia (see interactive map) is expected to house the project.